Looking for the best coding and marking machine for your Chemicals Industry? Have a call with our expert now! So you can get the best solution for your needs.
The Chemical Industry requires printers to print product packaging labels. The chemical industry refers to an enterprise involved in producing chemical substances. These industries include petrochemicals, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, polymers, paints, and oleochemicals.
The industry uses chemical processes, including chemical reactions to form new substances, separation based on properties such as solubility or ionic charge, distillation, transformation by heat, and other methods.
The chemical industry usually produces various products to meet the community’s needs regarding chemicals.
Chemical products must use labels because these products must convey important information, such as production date, ingredient composition, and other information. The packaging of these products requires labels with good durability.
Chemical products usually require unique storage places, so the packaging labels must be waterproof, and chemical liquids and extreme temperatures. Well, manufacturers of chemical needs require a particular label printer to fulfill this.
In this case, you can rely on the Linx continuous inkjet or coding and marking machine to do batch coding and other chemical product markings. With high speed and minimal downtime, you will get the best printouts. LINX printers have a wide range of inks that can adhere to many materials, including DPE, or PET.
The ink dries quickly and is of high quality. Suitable for label use in the Chemical industry or chemical manufacturing where hazardous chemicals are generally present. In addition, the sealed printheads offer protection against various contaminations, be they liquids or particles.
The benefits of using a LINX Printer will also save you costs and reduce downtime as the printer is constantly on the move. The flexibility that LINX offers can be relied on to apply codes to a variety of different chemical products.
LINX is able to keep production lines effective, efficient, and also at a lower cost. It should be remembered that brand image can be improved by using good quality especially if the code is premium quality and printed on a premium product.
LINX can be the choice of printing solution to provide the best code results for the needs of the chemical industry.
So, what are you waiting for? A special Linx labeling printer is here for you to meet your fast printing needs